JOY CHURCH is committed to model the life of Jesus in our words and actions both within and outside our community. We have the privilege of partnering with God in restoring hope in a broken world and furthering His kingdom work through our service and financial giving.


Ways to Give

Make a safe and secure one-time or recurring gift online or by using The JOY App. JOY's new online giving platform gives you an alternative to writing physical checks in order to provide a simple giving experience and to encourage generosity.

JOY pays credit card processing fees starting at a standard 2.3% plus a flat $0.30 per transaction fee, but rates automatically decline towards 1.9% as giving increases. Direct bank debit methods like ACH and eCheck have a rate of 1%, but there is no separate transaction fee for ACH.

Sunday services
: Envelopes for cash gifts and checks are available for your convenience. Simply drop this envelope in the offering basket during service. Checks should be made out to "Joy Christian Fellowship."

Mail: Another great option is setting up recurring payments through your banking institution via online bill pay service, which many banks offer for free. Mail your donations directly to the church office at: Joy Christian Fellowship, 52 W. Ivy Lane, Englewood, NJ 07631.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to give?
We gladly accept whatever method is most convenient to you. Giving through an online bank transfer, check, or cash carries no processing fees for the church.

Where do my donations to JOY go?

  • General offering: Unless otherwise specified, all gifts made to JOY will be made to the church's general fund, allowing the church to direct the money where it is most needed and to support our daily operations and ministries.

  • Directed offering: To direct your donation to a specific need or initiative (e.g., education building, missions, etc.), simply indicate the designation on the memo line of your check or during the online giving process.

How do I get my tax contribution letter for the year?
To help JOY Treasury expedite tax letters, complete the Online Contribution Letter Request form and include as much information as possible, especially if you have recently moved or gotten married. You will receive your contribution statement detailing your gifts via email.