Digging Deep:
The Parable of the Prodigal
Instructor - Pastor Do Hee Kim
Category - Biblical Studies, Reading Group, Spiritual Discipline
Time & Location - 5 consecutive Thursdays or Saturdays in Green Building
(Saturdays at 10-11:30am - Feb 22-Mar 22)
This class will take a focused dive into Jesus’ parable of “The Prodigal Son” found in the Gospel of Luke 15:11-32. The class will read Henri Nouwen’s book—The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming—and use the book as a tool to help internalize Jesus’ parable. This class will blend elements of both a traditional Bible study and a reflective reading group.
A method of Bible study will be introduced to the class that incorporates both a close reading of “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” as well as an intertextual analysis of the texts. We will also discuss one section of Nouwen’s book (roughly 30 pages per week) much like a book club.
Together we will embark on a journey of personal reflection, exchanging insights on how Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son challenges our understanding of God and of ourselves, thereby reshaping our sense of purpose.
Biblical Hospitality
Instructor - Pastor Isaac Kim
Category - Church Practice
Time & Location - 1 Saturday morning in Brown Building, 2nd floor
(Mar 8 at 10am-12pm)
Think about the first time you showed up at Joy: What was the experience like? Who greeted you? Did you know where to park, where the bathrooms were, where your children were supposed to go? And, how long did it take for you to feel truly connected to the community?
These are questions about hospitality on Sunday mornings. These are also questions every church is called to prayerfully think through and act upon. Churches that treat hospitality as an afterthought or chore will inevitably die.
That’s because biblical hospitality is not just about logistics or first impressions. This topic is one that proceeds from strong mandates we find in Scripture to show hospitality to strangers.
This class will look at some Biblical examples of hospitality. It will also show how our hospitality ministries on Sunday mornings are fundamentally spiritual in nature, and how each ministry relies on the other to build the Kingdom and obey the Great Commission.
All readings will be optional, and all levels of biblical knowledge welcome.
This class is for anyone who is interested in the “why” behind our hospitality ministries, and how those “why’s” connect with Scripture.